Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Switzerland are supporting the terrorists, LTTE, Tamil Tigers

The remaining LTTE fighters use more than 100,000 civilians as human shields. The Tamils who live under LTTE control, have been subjected to false teachings. The end result is that many civilians nothing more terrible than did expect from the government and army. So few are the LTTE terrorists have been able to those many civilians to persuade the LTTE retreating to accompany. The LTTE, most of this conviction by the injured Videos Tamil civilians at the show also want to go. The government has established a safety zone, so that civilians in the LTTE area (less than a hundred square kilometers) back to safety, but the LTTE fire in the security zone and push the blame on the government. The victims still trying to flee. This was reason enough for pro-LTTE groups around the world to organize demonstrations in order to stop the fighting. The Sri Lankan government stop military operations, not because the terrorists would reorganize again, and the LTTE leader and his key staff on the island is to guerrilla war, with lots of travel further terrorist attacks. The government knows this, while the pro-LTTE party goers Overseas ignore it. Despite the demonstrations, advise the international community to the LTTE, the campaign, with the shields Tamil civilians''to stop and to pass instead of the Sri Lankan government to compel them to accept a ceasefire. They remain non-governmental organizations (NGOs, like the UN, ICRC and other aid groups) steadfast advocate of a ceasefire. The main reason lies in the fact that most of these INGO and NGO staff had no job when the war is over. The NGO and INGO's are supporting the terrorists enough to work for themselves in order to secure mainly the INGO in Sri Lanka's further stay and work. The major part of the INGO's are young Americans to Europe and a great time in Sri Lanka would like to spend a seaside holiday and stay in a 5 star hotel with all luxury and nightlife. In order to finance is a big part of the donated money actually on it and the remains of relief supplies and support for the war. The government can now use its own people in the relief work of the former LTTE area take over and hopes that definitely INGO and NGO are weggetrieben. The army, there are many well-built bunkers and command a surface villa, which seem Velupillai Prabhakaran LTTE leaders belonged. More importantly, the troops discover large LTTE camps with weapons and other military equipment.
Unfortunately, our donations to the poor people and victims of war over and the only relief organization wait until the next slaughter, like vultures to pounce on it.
Again and again we read an article in the newspaper of the poorly researched, and we have a false image reflects. And every now and then writes an influence on the Swiss with a refugee is married, about the genocide of the Tamil population in Sri Lanka. But the fact is that the so-called, 'Representatives of the Sri Lankan Tamils''the LTTE to kill their own people and even after 30 years is now a vacuum in their leadership have caused. The LTTE have killed many Tamil leadership and a whole generation of Tamils injured and contaminated

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